How meditation helped me heal from depression…
My ego was leading the way, while my spirit was silently suffering within me.
How can I express to others that depression has taken over my mind, body and soul, and not look at it as a sign of weakness but a sign of redirection into something more uplifting and empowering?
All I needed was a little nudge of love from another to tell me that everything will be okay, and to start focusing on what really mattered, not what I was living in the present moment.
My pain and suffering was a way to escape in a cocoon and not speak to another about the emotions I was going through.
To deal with the adversity of depression felt more painful than what I was experiencing within me.
A year passed before my eyes and nothing changed.
My ego continuously leading the way and my spirit in a cocoon of death.
This is what depression felt to me, and I know, many others.
You don’t want to be judged, you’ve already done a great job of judging yourself and now dealing with another’s judgements is another way to suck more life out of your pained heart.
Reminding myself, I have crossed this path many times over, in this lifetime.
How have I successfully come out of this stage of self-inflicted depression, stronger than ever?
It was time that I do some deep soul re-birthing, as I learned that depression was the absence of the spirit and empowerment of the ego.
I needed to bring my spirit to life and balance out my ego.
They are both needed to survive in this world.
We cannot live without our ego, it’s as important as our spirit.
When they both work together in harmony, greatness can be birthed.
I started to speak to my ego about my depression journey.
Light bulb, after light bulb moment coming to my awareness.
Everything is energy and everything has a message to give us in order to live our true authentic self in this present moment.
As ego was speaking to me, I felt my friends of the unseen world surrounding me with love and joy that I finally have come to the conclusion of how the unseen world works once again.
This wasn’t my first rodeo, nonetheless I will make it a priority to release depression forever.
Instantly, I divorced depression and told it, we don’t work well together.
That are now divorced and it’s no longer welcomed in my life.
At that time I became vulnerable with my truth and started to share the pain of traveling through depression.
My purpose became stronger than my past.
To assist those that are going through depression and teach them how to tap into an infinite power that can guide them to their riches that life is waiting to bring to their reality.
To my surprise, within 30days my mind re-wired for greatness.
My self talk wasn’t downgrading me, but uplifting me.
My spirit came to life more and more as my heart allowed the pain to transpire to more self-love to be present in the now.
Gratitude for the painful lessons taught me that there was more to life regardless of what was felt in the present moment.
Depression became a thing of the past, but not that easy.
It tried to creep back into my life a few times over in the last couple years.
However this time depression came to me differently.
It came to me as a sign that if I don’t change what I’m feeling and laying in bed with thoughts in my mind, we will become close again.
Depression became the catalyst to move past what I was feeling to something that empowered me.
This is what working on balancing my ego and spirit brought me.
Meditation is a way to breathe through what isn’t working for you, and show you what is possible.
Depression isn’t a sign of weakness but a sign to redirect in a way that your spirit comes to life and really living in your truth without judgment but in a place of joyful happiness.
Meditation is key to self-awareness, self-confidence and self-love.
To give yourself permission to be present in silence in a place where answers are given along with love, life and re-birthing on a daily basis.
With so much happening in the world, depression is on a rapid increase on a daily basis.
Corporations are being affected by employee absence or lack of concentration in workplace productivity.
Families are suffering with the absence of a parent, as parents or children deal with constant guilt, resentment and other emotions in the home and in the relationship.
There are answers to depression and they come from within.
When you learn how to tap into an infinite self, and start to live in your truth, you’ll have no choice but to start living a life full of joy, happiness, and love along with many other great benefits.
Need assistance feel free to contact me for more information on how we can work together in your workplace or home.
To infinite happiness, joy and love